College Directory
Purchasing and Central Receiving
Brighton CampusBuilding: 21, Room: 108
Phone Number: 585-292-2080
Web Site: Purchasing and Central Receiving
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Bates, Michael J., Director, Purchasing | 585-292-2821 | mbates |
Reed, Kristen R., Assistant Director, Purchasing | 585-292-2822 | kreed2 |
Beary, Katherine | 585-292-2825 | kbeary |
Cervantes, Genaro G. | 585-292-3205 | gcervantes |
Larkin, Jason T. | 585-292-3205 | jlarkin |
Miller, Mary C. | 585-292-2824 | mmiller3 |
Pollizi, Thomas | 585-292-3205 | tpollizi |
Post, Helen M. | 585-292-2823 | hpost1 |
Regan, Travis L. | 585-292-3247 | tregan |
Vick, Stacey A. | 585-292-2826 | svick001 |
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